Originally Posted by bgbarnes
I am curious- how many of the parents that want to deny Redshirted children access to GT programs have children born within the first 6 months of the school year according to their districts deadlines? Or is it more the parents of the younger kids that did not redshirt that have an issue with it?
I would also love to hear someone give me a really good answer as to how a child born Sept 1 should qualify and a child born say Aug 15- 2 weeks earlier and was redshirted should be denied access? All of us spend a lot of time figuring out how to get the most out of schools for our kids- whether it is subject acceleration, grade skips etc.... So why would you spend you time and focus on a policy restricting other children?

I agree with you, but I also think some parents are redshirting for poor reasons, and they may only realize this when their children are bored in elementary school. Schools should create grade-skipping guidelines for elementary school that enable parents of normal kids to undo redshirting and parents of gifted children to accelerate.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell