Thanks again for the continued suggestions! It occurred to me after my first post that one other question that has been concerning us is the challenge level of the coursework of a state university (when not at a flagship campus). There are tons of posts here from people who sent their children to a local community college or state university. I have to wonder though how rigorous those courses really are when compared to AP classes at a top high school. We have a local state university that my son could attend (dual enrollment is free for the first course and pretty affordable after that), but I have been warned by a friend who is a professor there that we probably won't be too pleased with the classmates my son would have as we would be with him staying put in HS (though our professor friend did say the other professors are pretty good). Have others here had a similar experience? The price is certainly right, and the school is within a 30 minute walk or 10 minute bike ride (assuming the weather is good), so it is an attractive option for us. We have several other younger children, so we really need an option that my son can get to on his own.