Originally Posted by LNEsMom
For the first time since toddlerhood, DS8 wore pants with a zipper and button to school yesterday! I was so happy! smile Between his SPD and fine motor delays he has always refused to wear anything that wasn't elastic waist. I had been accommodating it for so long, I forgot to even mention it to the OT until about a month ago. Well, she incorporated into the therapy sessions and now he's doing it! It makes me so happy for him as well as solves the challenges of trying to find elastic waist pants for a kid his age that aren't sweats/windpants.

Since starting OT in August he has learned to ride a bike, tie his shoes, and now zip/button pants. I am one proud mama! smile

I don't know about pets, but congratulations to your ds and to you! That list of accomplishments is a Big Deal!!