Thank you all for your responses! Pemberley, what a great story!

I hadn't really considered a rabbit or a guinea pig. I guess that could work too, but maybe I am just more of a cat person. smile

I lol'd at the "sensory seeking cat", although I definitely understand what you mean! Personality and tolerance are going to be the key attributes. Without those, the whole thing would go down the tubes, and I know my son would also be very upset and feel rejected by the animal. So, if/when we do this we will be very careful about the selection. I am in fact trying to get DS off the idea of a kitten rather than an older cat because it is difficult to know what their personality will be at that age. I feel like an older cat would be easier to assess. I think I will definitely take Pemberley's approach and talk with the shelter folks and wait for just the right kitty.

Regarding the shelter, I worry that just visiting might make him sad since he wants to bring one home so badly. A while back I actually looked into finding some kind of volunteer options for him (when he wanted a dog and I knew that wouldn't be feasible), but unfortunately every place I called would NOT allow an 8 year old to volunteer. Kids had to be 10-12 at most places. They claim it is for legal reasons (biting/injuries I guess) which I understand, but legally there really isn't a difference between an 8 year old and a 10 year old. I think the real reason is maturity. And DS when it comes to animals he is generally more mature than others his age. But maybe they would just let him visit the kitties occasionally.

I am encouraged by the positive stories you all shared. Thank you!