My daughter went through toys really fast at that age too. The trick I figured out is that she would come back around to many of them in a few weeks or months if they disappeared for a while (all except for puzzles -- once she'd mastered a puzzle it lost all interest for her). So I would rotate certain toys in and out of her room as her interest in them waxed and waned. She would play with them differently each new rotation and get new things out of them because she had advanced developmentally since the last time. I should clarify too that we favor classic, open-ended-play kinds of toys here, like LEGO, dolls, blocks, costumes, animals, pretend-play props, etc. Those are the kinds that have longer shelf life, even if it's iterative rather than continuous. That was a tiring age! But it was also a fun age because my daughter was changing so quickly into an interesting little person.