bobbie: good to know about The Faraway Tree, we will have to try those at some point! I have to say it's funny when your just turned two year old pretends that her crib is the Magic Tree House and calls herself Annie, the dog Jack, and apparently I am currently the old lady Morgan (reading Dolphins at Daybreak).

Dude: I like the cooking idea, my DD doesn't get the opportunity to cook much because honestly I'm not that into it, but she loves it.

Mary: I bet your DD would love to join in cooking especially since you apparently love it. That would be a good place to start homeschool actually. With measuring, ect. Google homeschooling preschoolers/toddlers and there are some really great blogs out there. My DD just started going to Montessori 2 mornings a week but we still do plenty of the activities we find on some of the homeschooling blogs just to keep her busy.

Other ideas/toys:

-Who Lives Where? is a toy (ages 3+) that DD is enjoying, we got it about 6 months ago and she really has always liked it

-Candy Land I have heard is a great first game where they can get the concept of taking turns. I can't say anything about it yet though because DD is getting it for Valentines Day. Will let you know!

-There are some gifted kids websites that lists some toys by age... I can't remember where I saw this but googling some time back

-Some games we make from montessori materials intended for Primary (3+). Google "free montessori printables" and some will come up. DD likes matching right now. Words to words, letters to letters, ect and Montessori has a lot of this. Seems like your DD would like this too since she can recognize lots of words. You do need a lamination machine though but you will need one anyway if you are planning to homeschool. Get a nice pocket laminator (ours was about $150 but totally worth it).

-Get the "DO A DOT" paints so she can dot the lines of large letters. DD loves this.

-Any game w small pieces DD is just interested in. I have to watch her because even though she knows not for mouth she is still just about to be 26 mo. so I feel it would be a bad decision to leave her alone w them.

Question for you: Which puzzles? Any suggestions? We have had a hard time finding durable jigsaws.

I really hope some of these suggestions help (along with the earlier list I posted). Please ask if you need even more ideas!