DS12 has a large dip between processing speed and VCI/PRI on the WISC (> 3 SD) and on the WJ-III Test of Cognitive Abilities his discrepancy is > 4 SD. He's diagnosed with dyspraxia and dysgraphia and he uses keyboarding for all of his schoolwork. He's doing very well in middle school - getting great grades and having fun at school. He's accelerated in some classes, and has a few classes that are boring but overall he's happy with where he's at - at school.

Here's the challenge - his homework is taking forever. He's so slow - even though his processing speed, while low relative to his other scores, is in the average range for his age group. Even with keyboarding it takes him a long time to complete his homework, and he really doesn't have busy work - it's work that is beneficial and adds to his studies, not repetitive mindless work. It's eating up so much time he's having a tough time fitting in extracurriculars. OTOH, when he's done his own academics at home for fun he learns so much so quickly (he's studied math and chemistry online as well as building/reading/experimenting on his own) - but in those instances, he's not doing much in the way of written work. I also notice that when he does school homework it goes about 10 times faster if he's scribing to me and I'm not sure that's all just the effect of me writing for him, I think some of it is having a second person talking to him somehow keeps his motor running faster if that makes sense!

Do other parents who's kids have significant gaps in processing speed notice this same type of thing? Is there any way to help get him moving a little faster? I am starting to wonder how he's going to be able to take the academically challenging courses he wants to in high school and still have time left at night to sleep wink

Thanks for any insight!


eta - also forgot to add - he's not distracted, not slowed down by perfectionism, things like that - he works in the kitchen where we're always around at night and can watch or help if he needs help. He has a quiet study environment and we make sure there aren't outside distractions. He just seems to be forever caught in slow gear smile Same thing with other tasks requiring motor activity - things like putting coat/shoes/backpack on, walking to the next room to get a piece of paper etc, he's slow-moving in general.