He doesn't have the OCD-type, perfectionist tendencies of diagnosed Asperger's kids I know. He likes to know ahead of time if our normal routine is going to change, but he handles change well. He doesn't try to control our family and the way we do things, except for his siblings. I don't really see him as rigid, just different.

He does have sensory problems with noise, he doesn't like to write, and he loves math. He also likes origami, video games, and playing with other kids. He would like to spend more time with other kids, but they don't always seek him out. He has a different sense of humor (he sometimes has a hard time relating to other kids, because he makes jokes they don't understand, and doesn't understand their references to mature-themed movies and TV shows we don't let him watch, and he can be annoyingly persistent about things). He didn't really engage in imaginative play until his little sister showed him how (he was about 4). He doesn't have problems with idioms, and his reading comprehension is very high. He instisted we teach him to read at 3. He's a little immature socially.

We already know he's highly gifted. It's hard to know what's gifted, what's ADHD, and if there's anything else. He's had enough of those tests for us to know about the ADHD and gifted diagnoses.