I agree with everything DeeDee said, and will add that if you feel that, once your son had been evaluated by the school, the school has not done a good evaluation, or if you disagree with their findings, you can request an IEE at public expense from the qualified professional of your choosing to get one that is more accurate

There is no substitute for knowing what is really going on to help you take the right actions to make things better.

If you are worried enough about your child's "quirks" getting him in trouble in middle school to contemplate welcoming an AS diagnosis because it would offer some protection for him, then he's probably not just a little quirky, he's probably a lot quirky (even though the rest of the family may be quirky, too, which can skew your perceptions), and I'd venture that you are not in any way out of line to pursue an evaluation to rule AS (or some other disability that might be responsible for the "quirks") in or out.