My dd's ADD dx was based on the Connor's, BASC, wildly erratic achievement tests (MAPS, etc.), the IQ profile, her profile on the GORT (an oral reading test in which she was in the 4th quartile for everything except reading speed; she was in the 1st quartile for speed), and a psych meeting w/ dd and me and talking about what she was experiencing. It sounds like your ds had enough rating scales and tests done to get a reasonable dx.

I don't know that having the dx has been a magic bullet, though either in terms of fixing the problem or getting the school to better see that there is a problem.

Re whether your ds falls into the gifted category, I'd say yes. He appears more moderately gifted (MG) than highly or profoundly gifted, but he may be more gifted than the IQ scores look at first glance. Did he have a lot of scatter within subtests? For instance, my oldest, who like I mentioned didn't test well for reasons other than 2e, appears fairly MG when looking @ her composite #s, but even in indeces where her composite #s were high-ish but not outstandingly so, she had some HG+ scores. PRI, for instance, came out around the 95th percentile if I recall correctly & had an 8 (25th percentile) and a 19+ (99.9th percentile).

Kids with wild scatter like that may be more highly gifted than the composite #s, which average the highs with the lows, would indicate. Also, if he does have ADD, which sounds like a distinct possibility based on what you've posted, his scores on many parts of the WISC may be affected by his concentration and lowered accordingly.