Master of None:

His coding score was a 6
And symbol search was a 9

They Administered:
Woodcock-Johnson III
BASC-2 (parent, self, teacher)
Vanderbilt diagnostic parent rating scale
Vanderbilt Diagnostic Teacher Rating scale
Connor's rating scales (teacher/parent)

Through this evaluation the psychologist formally diagnosed him with ADHD but should I have other tests done that haven't been listed?

You hit the nail on the head when you said "If you know what to call it, you will be able to describe it to the teacher who will be able to look it up, and it will go much better than just saying your kid is slow and has a hard time focusing". That is exactly what I am after. I decided to start here to see if the 2e designation fits him. Mainly, I wasn't sure if his scores land him in the gifted category. At the very least I could explain THAT to them but yes, if there is something else that I should look for I will definitely try to explore other avenues. I don't have a lot of money so that is an issue unfortunately.