I'm really nervous about our (FINALLY) appointment with the Developmental Behavior clinic tomorrow...the pediatrician referred us because she wants to hang the ADHD label on my child but, besides the fact that I would never accept that from just the ped and HELL YES I would like a second opinion before you suggest I should give my child controlled substances (we hardly even take aspirin in this house), I'm worried about whether or not this psychologist will take giftedness into account. I already heard the school psychologist tell me a kid CAN'T be gifted AND learning disabled (ugh!)...this is a big difference...is she just gifted and quirky? does she really have something (ADHD or other) that we DO need to address?
My biggest problem is when you look at traits of giftedness vs ADHD and see how many things line up. She's already had IQ and Acheivment assessments and the private psychologist said she didn't see any clear cut ADHD, but some things that could just be reaction to the previous bad classroom. And, of course, I have no idea what is "normal" or "average" lol!
I'm worried that this dr is going to want to call her ADHD too without really doing his due diligence and I'm not sure if I should bring up herr IQ or what the other psychologist said first or if I should just try to be quiet and see what he says first...

advice? 2 cents? tia!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...