Epoh, I'm so sorry you guys are going through this! It sounds awful and I hope that you can get through to the other side to find the happy ending.

I wanted to say that our son was having terrible violent and emotional outbursts on a regular basis and it happened for at least a year? Maybe two - and he is only 6.5 now, so that is a pretty long time for such a short life and we kept blaming it on his allergies (like Ebeth said above with corn) or the meds he was on (for asthma) or sugar, or...??? and we could never get a hold of it. We went to a play therapist and she didn't think he had ADHD or bi-polar or anything treatable, really. We were frustrated and decided that we needed to try homeopathy again (we tried mostly unsuccessfully when he was a baby to treat his many allergies). Anyway, in addition to various diet changes (only have sugar with fiber or fat, more protein, etc.) she gave him some remedies and with in a number of days we noticed a difference. She said she was trying to 'calm his frayed nerves' or something along those lines. We had to tweak the remedies and we have been going for over 6 months, but it is well worth it. I just thought I would mention it, in case it hasn't been thought of and maybe it can work for others.

Good luck - my heart goes out to your son, I'm sending all my good thoughts your way.