Ugh... I feel like I am going to throw up

The van picked up DS at 6:45, and like I mentioned, he was excited to go. The van had several other kids to pick up, so it was a long drive. Apparently, DS got car sick and threw up on himself. When they finally arrive at the facility, he's taken into the nurse's office to get cleaned up/changed. After that he was taken straight into the classroom. He was then asked to do some writing assignment he didn't like so he started to get upset. According to DS when he starting throwing a fit, he was told if he didn't calm down he was going to be taken to a hospital and not allowed to go home!! He then freaked out even harder. I was called at 10:45 to come get him. They were recommending he be admitted to the psych hospital!

I didnt even know what to say to that! We talked to the director of this place for over an hour on Friday about Ethan's issues and how they would be addressed here. We were told that today he'd see the Dr (psychiatrist) and be evaluated. We were told they'd be watching him so they could recommend a treatment/medication plan. And then this happens! They just drop him in a class, no Dr meeting, no intro/on boarding type thing. Just, have a seat, here's a writing assignment.

And of course it's lunch time so I can't get a hold of his regular psychiatrist right now, or the vp from his regular (public) school.
