Thank you all for sharing. I am going to go ahead and have her evaluated by the beh. Opt. I read that kids with dyslexia or dysgraphia often can't write the alphabet in order. So I checked. She did write all the letters. She wrote two of them backwards. I also had her write her numbers in order 1to 20 and she didn't skip any. Most numbers were backwards though. She wad concentrating hard on this and demanded silence. She does multiplication and double digit adding in her head and is reading at a 3rd grade level. She is 6 and 5 months and in first grade. She rode a bike at 4. Just learned to tie her shoes but isn't great at it. Picked a dominant hand at five. Writes with her right hand but does sports with her left. She is really good at art but has a bad pencil grip. She doesn't seem to notice the difference between from and form but loves stories so much that she often memorized large chunks of chapter books. She has amazing insight and makes great inferences, but reads a chapter book five times before she considers herself done. She has tracking and converging issues and had done vision therapy and wears glasses for reading. She was put in ocupational therapy at school in k for not crossing midline but was kicked out because she was "ahead" in reading. She speeks slowly. She says deep things but she has trouble keeping up with the pace of a song and fall behind while singing. She is good with cutting but was a bit late figuring it out. She always held the scissors upside down. I suspect that I am dyslexic. So, knowing these things, how concerened should I be? I wonder if maybe I am comparing an average child to her very fast, very gifted sister and thinking ld when really, she might just be average. I understand u really can't tell unless they r tested but we are just trying to put food on the table at the moment! Ttia!