My insurance will pay for dylexia testing if my vision therapist does it. I belive my dd6 is gifted. She makes amazing connections and inferences. She loves Lego and a a great artist. She reads at a 24 dra. She memorizes chapters in long books. She loves reading. But she subs words a lot. She skips little words all the time and I can tell that she is only able to decode words because she is amazin at comprehension and figures words out by what makes sense. She spells words weird. Even spelling words. She will say and write that her spelling word said should be spelled siad. The word little is spelled liltl. Went is wiint. She does different tasks with different hands. All her numbers are backwards and until recently most her letters were too. The list of indicators is long but my computer is broken and I'm thumb typing! My question is - will the vision therapist who says she is qualified to diagnose dyslexia and dysgraphia be able to diagnose stealth dyslexia or is that left to the psychologists which are not covered in my plan?