I haven't read all of the response posts, so I may be repeating something someone already said. We just had our DS6, who has similar issues to your DD6, tested for dyslexia, but we did NOT do the full battery of neuropsych tests. We found a tester who works at a speech therapy center and does reading evaluations only to diagnose dyslexia. She charges $200 an hour for the testing, which takes between 2 and 3 hours.

Our insurance covered the test codes (I obtained them from the speech therapy office that would administer the test, and called our insurance company), but this particular center is out of network for us. We called a bunch of other places in network, but only some of the tests would have been covered, and in the end, it was cheaper for us to pay out of pocket at this one place than go to a place in network and get a larger battery of tests.

Because we already had IQ testing done for DS, along with some achievement testing and a Gallistel-Ellis test, the tester was able to shave off the last hour of testing, and we only had to pay for 2 hours of testing. Here are the tests she administered, so you know what to ask for:
- Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)
- Gray Oral Reading Tests (GORT-4)
- Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)
- Test of Written Spelling (TWS)
- Woodcock-Johnson III (WJIII)

If there's a way for you to find a place that will do just these tests plus whatever our center would have administered in place of the IQ testing we already had, that would save you and your DD time and money. If you want the name of our center so you can call and find out more about the tests administered, send me a PM and I'm happy to pass along the info.