At 9 or 10, before puberty, my daughter started worrying about weight. She had gained a few pounds but was not fat and I knew they would turn into curves in a year or two. When she became a cheerleader a few years later it got worse and I noticed that her friends were the same way.

I never worried about my weight until recently because I was always at a healthy weight according to weight charts, even now. I used to be at the low end of the range for weight and now I am at the middle. I started having trouble with my blood pressure and cholesterol and the doctor said it wouldn't hurt to try losing a few pounds to see if it made any difference. My husband is also trying to lose a few pounds but does not look overweight, so we talk about losing weight in front of our son, but typical boy he is hungry all the time. It does not stop him from eating.

My daughter is an adult now and still very concerned about her appearance, but I think it is not such a bad thing except she tells my son how important appearance is. She even said if the dentist doesn't recommend braces for his teeth he should get them anyway so his teeth will be perfect because girls like guys with nice teeth. She also gives him skin care products to use and teaches him how to use them and tells him he needs to shave his mustache and work out because girls like muscles too. Wearing the right clothes is important too and she helps him with that. She tells him his appearance will be very important later in life. The apartment complex where she lives is filled with only pretty, successful people. I am guessing they are probably perfectionistic about the way their bodies look. They sit out by the pool and show off their beautiful bodies. It is no wonder my son is willing to wear his brace even though it hurts and causes him to not be able to do much of anything.