I have no regrets about one grade skip each kid (yet). It's a very natural fit. I think another skip would be good for at least the younger two, but may end up as finishing HS early.
Yes, others look at you funny ("How could she do that to her kids?" type look). It's a small town and I try not to alienate people, so mostly I don't debate them but just listen and be polite (UNLESS they solicit my opinion/response!)

Just yesterday I was talking to one mom. Her son was reading Harry Potter in Kindergarten. I knew he was highly gifted and a good candidate for a skip back then (birthday a few days after the cut-off), but the parents were "turned off" by the whole gifted idea. Fast forward to 5th grade...mom is beside herself, kid is failing or getting Ds and gets books confiscated because he only wants to read. I suggest she get him tested (he was screened in K and entered into gifted program). He scored in PG range this time. Mom said to me, "Why didn't anyone tell me this could be why we've had problems?" She was so upset that it had taken this long to figure out what's been making her son miserable and awful. Boredom! Disgust! Of course I suggested the skip idea...