Just to update:

We're now waiting on our 504 determination hearing, which we are going to with no official diagnosis of "dysgraphia" but very low Beery VMI scores and a list of suggested accomodations.

The OT says she can't diagnose because OTs can't give a medical diagnosis. The pediatrician says she can't diagnose because dysgraphia is an OT diagnosis. The original ed psych said no dysgraphia since WM and PS scores were at least average. The second ed psych referred us to the OT to begin with, and then the OT referred us back to the ed psych. I feel like the hamster running on the wheel! I guess I'm going to have to foot the bill for a neuro- psych after all. UUUGGGGHHHHH!!!

Do any of you have a dysgraphia diagnosis for your child from anyone other than a neuro-psych? If so, who gave your child's diagnosis?

Last edited by revmom; 01/05/12 02:27 PM.