Originally Posted by revmom
What I have read as symptoms of NVLD include "difficulties perceiving non-verbal behavioral or facial clues; and poor social and interactive skills" -- this is certainly not my daughter. The funny thing is also that, even though her Spatial-Visual subtest scores on the SB-V were lower, she is the poster child for the "spatial-visual" learner as discussed by Silverman (http://www.gifteddevelopment.com/Visual_Spatial_Learner/vsl.htm).
NVLD isn't one of those sorts of challenges where every kid has every challenge. It's more a cluster of difficulties that 'tend' to co-occur. So this sort of reasoning isn't helpful.

Better to make a list of issues where your child is being held back, and work on each one in turn, from the most 'pressing' to the least. It sounds to me like you are doing that by taking her to the OT and starting work on the issues that have got her down. Did she even learn typing?

I think that there is a lot to be said for getting the whole work up and also there is a lot to be said for using the same resource (time and money) to treat the obvious issues. Just keep moving forward one way or the other, ok?

BTW - so glad you dropped back in to give us the update! How is she feeling about life and school and friends?

Love and More Love,

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