We had some luck with omega-3 supplements, exercise/yoga, and caffeine. While I still make caffeinated tea every morning and we all drink it, dd no longer wants to take a water bottle of it to school anymore and she's been refusing to take the o-3s for the past few months. She seems to feel like we are trying to fix her and she wants to feel like there is nothing to credit for her success (any supplements are out in her mind).

She's still doing well but I did see less erratic school work when she was doing the caffeine and o-3s more regularly.

The one thing that we're focusing more on this year is study strategies to help her identify what is important to study, how to avoid overlooking parts of the directions, etc. I'm fairly certain that it is still harder than it ought to be given how bright she is, but I can't completely force anything on her and I try to remind myself that she's taking some accelerated courses and doing well (maybe not as well as she could, but not poorly).