Originally Posted by perplexed
I'm seriously at the end of my rope with this medication merry-go round for DS9. ...I have a call into Dr. Amend because I'm wondering if the ADHD-I is a misdiagnosis.

Until then, have any of you had any success with non-medication alternatives for ADHD-I?
I'm sorry to hear it...what a dissapointment!

Alternatives: Regular excersice, Excellent Sleep Habits (do a sleep study to check if the child is getting restful sleep)and Biofeedback are all possibilities. Nurtured Heart Approach is supposed to be enough without medication, but not at my house, as valuable as it is.

I've been evaluating if Meditation can be useful -

studies here - www.heartmath.org/ - but not my style

gifted-friendly meditation here - www.iamheart.org/

take a look at:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_sinus_arrhythmia

ADHD is about managing arosal, so being able to regulate one's breathing in various ways to influence the parasympathetic nervous system indirectly. This definitely helps the parents, reacting to the stress of living with a kid suffering from ADHD, but could also possibly help the kids. It's probably a whole lot more complicated than that, but when we think of the mind/body connection, we don't often think of it as a 2 way street, and the usual approach is to try to alter our minds to influence our bodies. I suspect that working to alter our bodies (sleep/food/excersize/breathing) in hopes of influencing our minds will be fruitful as well.


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