Oh, the merry-go-round! I can sincerely empathize. As a parent, this is one of the hardest things I have been through... subjecting my child to the ups and downs. We have only trialed 4 meds and ended up back on the original (Biphentin) at a marginally higher dose, which is still much lower than the recommended dose for her weight. We do notice a great difference with her physical symptoms when she is on the meds. School.. ehh. Comme ce comme ca. I don't think we can medicate a bad fit away. And, in reality, any school will be a bad fit. And so would homeschooling, come to that (actually, that would be the worst fit given our personalities).

I wonder off and on about a misdiagnosis, but then we forget to give her the meds on a Saturday morning and by supper she is climbing the furniture and driving us crazy with non-stop chatter and we feel marginally better. I guess, in our case, the physical symptoms support the diagnosis to some extent. With 2e kids the meds won't fix everything, though.

DD has been on omega 3/6's (2:1 ratio) for the past two years. We had to take her off in December for a medication trial she wanted to do (for Cold-FX). She had to be off all supplements for 2 weeks before they would enroll her. To be honest, we have not notice a lick of difference since she stopped it.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery