CAPD? NVLD? and apparently CAPD and ADHD can look a lot alike, at least in some kids...

anyone have one like this with CAPD or NVLD? I'm honestly still suspecting even high fx AS, but all those ideas are more like differential DX or looking at lists and thinking, yes, that sounds like her...

master-are you SERIOUS with the hair thing??? lol!!! my brother had tricotillomania (sp) when he was a kid and he is way up there IQ wise. She goes through phases of these "tics" and someone also suggested it might be sensory, but, I would think the evaluator would have picked up on anything big like SPD...

Nautigal-I have sensitivity to certain kinds of noises as well...I think that's why I like to leave my tv on all the time, to drown out other sounds. For me, I can't abide most video game noises, the sound of my own breathing in the dead of night and the way my youngest whispers under her breath (UGH UGH UGH!!) lol!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...