Hi LNEsMom,

1. Does your DS's classroom have computers? If so, will the teacher allow DS to use online math sites for enrichment?

2. Will it be possible for your DS to bring level appropriated math material from home that he can work on once he has completed his math assignment (or better yet, in place of the regular assignment)? Our teacher agreed to this arrangement. However, DD7 is still required to take the same weekly math test with the rest of the group so she can get her math grade. We found this approach to be more easily accepted by the teachers because parents are providing the material/reviewing with the kids, i.e. little to no additional work for the teacher.

3. It is great that the GT teacher is helping out. Do you also have a GT coordinator in your school district? For us, she was a great help.... perhaps it might help just chatting with him/her to see what has been done for other students in the similar situation in the past.

4. We did not battle about the math homework. It took DD 5 minutes to complete her homework. In her opinion, the homework is not challenging and she is not learning anything. But, hey, more time for her to read and to play.

Good luck!