LNEsmom, sounds like you may be in Everyday Math curriculum, per frannieandejsmom's post. My DS6 is in Everyday Math, accelerated by one grade. He's taking 2nd grade math, and his math teacher is sending home differentiated homework. It does exist for that math curriculum - although if your DS is really working a grade level or more ahead, the advanced homework is probably still not going to give him the challenge he's looking for.

Frannieandejsmom, we got our DS accelerated into 1st grade Everyday Math in October of his K year. One other little boy in his grade moved into 1st grade math in March of their K year. Our school accelerates a few kids by one or two grades in math each year, and it works out well - although scheduling can be difficult. If you think your school would listen to info on how it works in other schools, I'm happy to talk via PM and provide more info.