Originally Posted by ColinsMum
The web page http://www.epsiloncamp.org is currently giving me a This Account Has Been Suspended message, and apart from your (I assume) question, there'd been no activity on the FB page since March. I have to wonder whether this camp still exists...?

[ETA it's up again the next day. Looks good, although there's very little mathematical info and I'd have liked enough to assure myself that they'll be taught by people who know their stuff! I was tempted to wonder whether we should apply next year, until I noticed that they require a full IQ test report. (Both cost and not wanting such a label-number puts me off doing that; DS should surely qualify but I'd resent having to ask the q...although I understand their PoV. Hmm.)]

The camp is taught by college professors who definitely know their stuff. They are EXTREMELY enthusiastic about teaching the young kids. Every time I thanked one of them for doing the camp, they replied that it was their honor or privilege to be able to interact with the young math minds. The down side of having college professors teach is that they are used to college kids sitting still in a lecture hall. They had a bit of a problem, especially the first few days, of keeping the kids in line. There was some chanting, some boys-against-girls chatter, some call-outs, etc that I don't think the professors knew what to do about. As parents, we recommended more aides in the classroom to deal with those, so hopefully the camp will provide those this summer. So even if a child is normally well-behaved, s/he might join in with the silliness that someone else started, making the class a bit chaotic!