�And I like the prosaic musings about creativity vs. expertise p.14.

Simonton (2000a) distinguished between the expertise necessary to give consistently similar, outstanding technical performances and the creativity necessary to generate high-quality, original work. �Mere repetition of previous work is necessarily dis- qualified as creative� (Simonton, 2000a, p. 286) even though the work may be outstanding or meet world-class standards in some fields. Alternatively, having deep expertise does not limit one to facile, stereotypical, and superficial approaches to complex problems that ultimately thwart creativity. Flexible thinking, or the ability to apply information from a different area to a new problem when needed, may be the key to cre- ative productivity in general and to being creative in multiple domains (Plucker & Beghetto, 2004). It is also possible that technical precision, skill automaticity, and large stores of knowledge are more important at certain stages of talent devel- opment than at others (Dai, 2010).

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar