Originally Posted by CheriAlex
Even if I immediatley engage her in something else the transition is very difficult. My parents recently visited and she basically forced me to carry on with our routine rather then entertain our guests.
Sorry to write a novel. It may sound like a hellish situation but sometimes many days will go by with her being rather complient. It may just be wearing on my mind since today was a tough one (at dinnertime she stood at her map screaming "Russia please!" at the top of her lungs).

Sounds like you are one the right track. Keep journaling and writing novels. You need to get it out so that 'other' parts of your brain can be activated to help you. Plus we like knowing we aren't alone in this.

Our situation has it's hellish dimensions. That's why I worry that you are overfunctioning without help. 'One can boil a frog if one goes slowly enough' So try the book 'Transforming' and get some help if that doesn't do the trick. You can teach transitions, you can teach self control, you can even teach her to meditate. She is lovely and marvelous, but she needs a parent to maintain an independent perspective and parent, not just be the biggest cheerleader. I say this because I was/am more of the cheerleader type by nature.

find some friends with kids of a similar age, even if you don't actually 'like' them, just so you can get some outside perspective. Keep looking for the ones you like, but start somewhere. ((wink))

I think you are brave and wise to post here. Go You!
Love and more love,

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