DDA2- I know what you mean. I wish I had my hands on another kid to quiz them, but as my sister pointed out most toddlers don't have facts and names memorized TO quiz them on. I feel my peditrician's office takes a very conserative view of what kids can and should be doing at a certain age. My old "What to Expect the Toddler Years" which I haven't looked at in years says that by 36 months your child "may possibly be able to" name four colors. Since R was signing 6 colors by 12 months I simply can't believe the average two year old can't do that.

utkallie- No one believed me until they saw the video that R could read words she couldn't speak. She could read by signing well known words at 18 months, well before she began speaking these words. I still have my secret autism fears, the other day when she flipped her fire truck over and spun the wheels, my heart stopped. She likes to adhere to her own routine (which she doesn't describe in advance) and kind of freaks out if I deviate from her plans. Also if she "messes up" while painting she will melt down.
Thank you everyone for the book suggestions. We just got back from the library and they don't have any of them, lol. So I'll be ordering them I suppose. Thanks again for all your support.

Last edited by CheriAlex; 11/10/11 12:25 PM.