can I share..this reminds me of my brother meeting my DDs...

My brother measured over 140 on an IQ test when we were kids and has always had "issues". I'm actually concerned that DD8 will turn out like him, highly intelligent but slightly mean and contemptuous as a defense mechanism. He has a good job, but is pretty anti-social.

Anyway, when he finally is in the States on a visit, he meets the girls, I think Butter was about 4 and The Diva was just a baby. Whatever Butter shared must have been quite impressive because he said to me later, that my kids made him think maybe he should have some too. That they were "obvious proof of our genetic superiority and that if his had even 25% the same DNA, that would still make them better than average." Well, I'm sure that sounds rude to the outside observer, but, coming from him, that is a HUGE compliment, lol!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...