I think when your kid is outside the norm you get it no matter what. DH and I have "acceptable" professions for gifted people and went to prestigious colleges so people think we are obsessive tiger parents who have been flash carding their kid since birth, possibly even before. It's not that it's genetics or luck or a fluke, it's that we are mean, bad parents. I think it's any way they can explain how it's not their kid.

But rude is still rude. My father in law loves to couch rude in "I wasn't expecting that" as in, I wasn't expecting you to look so nice" (said to me on my wedding day), or I didn't expect you to be good with babies (when the first grandchild, my nephew preferred me to him). Personally I love to respond with the playing dumb deadpan sort of response, oh what do you mean? Although the fluke is parasite comment was good LOL!
