well, that was rude of him. and judgemental. I'm not sure I'd let my child be around someone like that.

I understand it is possible for two people who are not gifted to have a gifted child, though I suspect at least one parent always is and no one ever knew...it does show a genetic tendancy I hear.

But I don't know what your and your DH's jobs have to do with anything. Just because I COULD be a microbiologist doesn't mean I want to work 80 hours a week outside the home, in a lab...I CHOSE to work around my children. I think raising them and helping them to succeed is the most important job I have.

I probably would have asked him what the heck he meant by that. Then he would have realized what a maroon and stammered...at least I hope...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...