Originally Posted by AllieOop
I just went through this last year, only to find out that my daughter is not ADHD, but gifted and talented. This past week I came across "Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities or Supersensativities in gifted children" and I was blown away by the description that seems to be my daughter!

What kind of practitioner evaluated your DD, and did they actually rule out ADHD and other developmental disabilities?

Originally Posted by AllieOop
The main complaints are: She has trouble focusing, forgets to do routine tasks, talks out of turn, dis-ruptive... and now is not doing class work.

This can be just an intense child, or it can be ADHD or Asperger's. Or other things. I'd suggest a thorough evaluation to screen for all possibilities.

IMO the problem with the "overexcitabilities" theory is that it potentially excuses a problem rather than solving it. Calling the disruptiveness a manifestation of giftedness won't make it go away. Understanding and working on the problem, whether through behavior therapy, meds, or other means, usually will help. To me, that's enough reason to carefully seek a cause.
