Originally Posted by herenow
Welcome to the board, jaylivg!

I get the sense from your post that you would be okay with the idea of a grade skip for your son, but perhaps I have mis-read.

I think your doctor has made a good suggestion about your son trying out the 2nd grade classroom.

Do you know if there are other children in your child's school that have been accelerated? Schools run the gamut of flexibility in this regard: there are some that have a lot of experience with skipping children into "better-fit" classrooms, and some that are opposed to skipping children (and everything in between).

Your trying to find a good educational fit for your child should not offend anyone. You are just trying to find the level where he will be challenged and engaged.

I don't think your child is a trouble maker at all. He is just trying to find a way to make it through the day. Some children need constant mental stimulation-- they need more more and more. In a classroom that isn't at all challenging, they are just spinning their wheels.

Have you considered having your son take an IQ/achievement test?

Hello , herenow smile

I don't mind grade skipping if it helps and works for him , basically i am up to anything that would help him to excel at school . because i know he can , and he's not a troublemaker like what people / friends started labelling him . It hurts him and it hurts me to see him like that . The only thing i don't want is that he has to dumb himself down just to fit with everybody . If he's able to keep on going and working on it , in my opinion they should just let him be . But because they don't , he's bored to death although he told me he loves going to school , it's just he keeps complaining it's boring doing and learning things that he already know .

I really don't know if there are any other children that has been accelerated or not .

Basically , what are the steps that i should take to help my son ? I know i probably should talk with the teacher and principal , but if there any step that usually people would do ? Like asking to have him tested first or just giving them the letter from the doctor or what do we usually do to start this ?I really have no clue about this kind of stuff , never knew anybody with gifted children either , if we're asking for achievement test , should the school get this done or what ?

I am so sorry i have to many questions .. just don't know who to ask .