Glad to hear that physical issues aren't a concern. I remember being the parent of a "high-maintenance" under-5 with no other children in the area well! The sleep deprivation alone fried my brain to a crisp, without even mentioning the effect of constant monologuing and questioning. I can only imagine what you have been going through with two under the age of 5. The good news is that it gets better (provided that you stop having more children, lol.) There will come a time when you can count on 8 solid hours of sleep in a row on multiple nights during the week, and you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your patience and your ability to think.

And remember, should you be even a little bit tempted to feel guilty about taking time for yourself when your children want you, that you need to take care of yourself to be able to be the kind of mother you want to be for your children, and that learning to take turns, not interrupt, and delay gratification are all very valuable lessons that your children need to learn anyway...

Hang in there.