I'm a little confused about these posts... are your concerns about her continued belief in Santa at age 9 in the face of evidence to the contrary? Then talk to her and tell her...

Is it about conflicts in extra-curricular activities? Not sure if she is your oldest, but this will be a constant issue in the upcoming year (not to be critical of dance in any way, but my experience is that it is a VERY large time commitment at an earlier age than many other activities, and she better get used to turning down other activities if she is going to stick with it).

If she is having a hard time with "mean girls"... that is quite hard to deal with. Helping her find some other gifted friends to spend time with (even if they don't go to her school or live in her neighborhood) can help. For a long time kids sort of just take the kids nearby (in neighborhoods, school, etc.) as their playmates. But that is always hard for gifted kids, especially as they get older. One thing you really should watch for is bullying, and pull in the school immediately if you think she is being bullied on the bus or in class (not saying she is, but sounds like she is starting to have a rough time with some of the other kids).

Finally... I always see it as part of my job to be emotionally steady for my kids when they are churning like it sounds like she is. They need their parents to be encouraging and positive -- don't be critical of choices like her running, but encourage her and help her out if you can (bike with her, or have treats for her after she runs). Play dolls with her sometimes, and just be a rock solid supporter she can come home to every day, no matter how her day went. You can't always control her school environment, but you can help her at home.