Hmmmm. I think maybe I made a mistake. My DD9 asked me last night if she might be too old to ask Santa for something this year. She wants Uggs.
I asked her if she thought she was too old.
She said no, but some of the kids at school were saying that Santa isn't real and that it was stupid to believe in Santa. She said she thinks you only get something is believe Santa is real.

She spent much of her young childhood testing. Telling Santa things that she didn't tell us to see if she got them. We of course figured it out. One year she asked for a Nintendo DS. She was 6. When she got it, she said "Now I know Santa is real because Mommy and Daddy would NEVER buy me THIS!" She has done other tests along the way...every year I was able to convince her of his existance.

She has written letters (she writes long tooth fairy letters too!) and when she was 3, we needed to put the cookies and milk out on the porch because she was sobbing late at night at the thought of Him coming into our house while she was sleeping...Guess where she had to go to get her one special Santa gift.

Last night, she told us, including her 6 year old sis (who really doesn't seem to be buying into any of this and never has...she asked for things like...a bell..or nothing) that Santa was really just a very rich guy with nothing better to do with his money. He hires all those fake Santas and sends them to the malls to figure out what children want. She also makes sure to ask for only one thing so she doesn't "overwhelm him" or seem greedy. lol...

She also still likes to play dolls with her younger sis (none of her friends like dolls)...not baby or anything, American Girl dolls. She is really into their outfits and read all 60 of the original books when she was 6.

Her friends seem to be into acting like high schoolers. They worry about what is babyish and cool.

She has always been so advanced and mature for her age. She is having problems finding other children at school who are willing to "play" instead of gossip, walk around, and act old.

hmmm...any thoughts? Is this anti-gifted? Shouldn't she have grown out of this by now?

Don't get me wrong...this is a very small part of who she is, but it seems to be bothering her lately.