She has been mentioning that some of her friends act "fake" or try to be cool. Maybe they do have dolls at home. It's so sad that they think that they can't enjoy them with others because they aren't cool things to play with. Also, we don't have a Wii, so dolls is the next best thing..

I just think it is interesting that much of my dd's life has been trying to fit in while others were playing what seemed to her to be "baby games" and now, she is the one being called a baby.

We've had a rough weekend so far. Crying because the afterschool knitting class she was so excited to take conflicts with the special (pre-professional) Ballet class she was invited to take. Friends/neighbors are telling her there is no Santa, and when she points out something interesting to her they say..."So?"...This is bothering her so much.

I guess she pointed out an old VW orange bus when she was on the school bus and her freinds thought that it was dumb to like that. She also thought a squirrel was cute and was shot down.

Friends of ours are looking for a home for their dog, which my dd has always felt bonded to and I had to tell her no, we can't have pepper the poodle.

She has begun training to run the 5K in the Hartford Marathon. She hates running.I don't know why she is doing this. None of us run.

She is going to take afterscool Hip Hop, instead of knitting. I encouraged her to because she is nervous about trying something she doesn't already know how to do. But she's gunna do it.

So stressful!

Waiting for the school call me next week to set up an appt to let me know if they are willing to alter the curriculum based on her needs. We will see if the samples of work I sent in are "good enough" to warrent such a "drastic" thing.

All this is making me crazy and then, there is a little 9-year-old and all her emotions stuck in the middle!

Thanx for letting me vent.