Thanks, Gratified! That's what I needed to hear!

And actually, thank you to everyone who's responded. I truly appreciate your time. Even though I say I'm not concerned about the "label," I guess I was a little. It's just hard to lose a fight, especially one for you child when you think she's unfairly being denied.

Our program is an inclusive program but they identify by subject matter. It seems more achievement based than ability, though they claim it's not. I've actually known someone who pulled her son out in 5th grade because it was just more work, not more exciting work.

I still have to decide whether to appeal to the district apppeals committee, and I'm wondering if I'll only have 15 minutes there too. Hah! I did explain to the campus committee that the WPPSI is the wechsler test for her age. And I assumed that scores on the test could be inflated a little (based on DYS requiring a 150 instead of the 145 like on the WISC) but I guess I didn't think it would be hugely dramatic, especially in every area.

Yes, she's thriving now, and she's not so bored that she's acting out or anything like that. We'll definitely continue to supplement at home as she requests (I'm too tired and lazy with my DD3 and DS1 to push her!). I just needed to hear this from others with experience. And I'll continue to lurk on these boards and hopefully learn a lot from all of you!