I have been thinking a lot about this b/c my younger 2 have such very different memories.

DS#2 (12) language/reading/creativity 97th %ile, WMI 34th plus a visual and an auditory processing disorder. He never could remember if he had gotten a ride to school that morning or had ridden the bus.
But he'll remember everything he ever actually heard, he amazes the rest of the family, and his Sunday School, all the time.

DD(8) thinking=99th, working memory=6th. She's completely organized and remembers what her "special" class is that day, where she goes after school. But she can't remember all of the smoke that covered our area from the Arizona fires in June. DS#2 is very distressed with her not reading chapter books - she complains they are "boring." This sounds like trouble concentrating to me.

What to do? I remember my mom always focusing on explaining my brother's dyslexia - till it drove me crazy. I finally fussed back, "It's not enough to *understand* it, you need to put your energy into compensating!"

DS#2, I tell DD, has proven that my dogging him has worked. From 2nd grade, we have told him he needs to work harder, to try harder, to put more effort into paying attention and using his planner. I am *delighted* with how he's doing, better than DS#1 was at his age. My mom used to say, "That which disables, enables also. That which enables, disables also."

However, neither of my younger 2 do all that well on this computerized assessment their schools do three times a year. I mean not 95th percentile - more like 87th.