Originally Posted by Pru
It really does give me chills. Have I really been scolding and resenting what I perceive to be inordinate stubbornness or simple laziness in a child who may in fact be suffering from a real disability? Ouch.

What to do? I take it there is not a go-to handbook for this either.

I love these moments in life, even when they make me cringe for my former behavior - I love when the curtian drops and the penny drops and I finally have a path forward. Yum!

I dont' know any particular book (except my favorite go-to for almost anything book: "Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook" by Lisa Bravo which I think would work, actually, but has nothing specific about this particular challenge)

but Aimee Yermish might have an article written or be about to write one on this topic - she's like a walking handbook on this topic!


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