I started this thread in response to 'Figuring out test results' and I'd love parents who live with kids who are low in Working Memory to write about what it's like in daily life, and in school, and what has been useful to solve those challenges, and if they have been successful in doing particular learning tasks that you feel have raised the Working Memory overall.

In my personal life, Working Memory is the bottleneck, but I don't have experience working on it with DS. I'm the list making, phone buzz reminder, read all the books on 'getting organized,' do it now or forget about it forever kind of compensator. I don't depend on my Memory to get even from the courtesy desk of a hospital to a friend's room - I write it down, even if the staff is looking at me strangely.

Also - I have a hunch that WM can be independent of ADHD-I or related to it. DS's WM changed the most pre and post using medication to treat his ADHD-I.

Any thoughts?

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