Hmm. You have a good point Grinity. By the end of the month school will have been in session for five weeks. Perhaps that is not too long to wait. I think my expectations are high because his teachers in K and 1st grade took the information given to them about our DS and used it to address his needs from the very beginning. They didn't do a perfect job, but it was good enough and our son seemed happy and learning. I guess I'm bothered by the overall vibe I'm getting from the teacher, so that is perhaps where my need for urgency is coming from. So I say to myself, if it's going to be painful, might as well rip that band aid off right now.

But, I am very concerned about being too pushy. Apparently he is fine at school if not a bit wiggly. It's at home where the total meltdowns occur.

My husband and I are leaning towards backing off a bit. We don't want our initial email to go unanswered so we will get answers to our questions, but we will let the year play out a little bit more before making demands. It certainly would be better for them to come up with a solution on their own after I gave them a not-so-gentle nudge.

Thanks again for your thoughts, everyone.
