Originally Posted by Eleanor05
He was shocked, and said, "you think review is harmful?". I explained using research back data that for some children it is harmful to ask them to complete tasks they mastered YEARS ago, because they can lose their ability to try hard, think everything is easy, go on to have difficulties in the future, etc.

I then told him I think DS is hiding his abilities from her, and again, using research backed data, explained how this can happen. He said the first thing he was going to do is ask the teacher about her reading assessment of DS and see if it showed any regression from last year's assessment by the reading specialist. He said if it did, "we have a real problem."


Hi Eleanor and all:
I'd love to know where you found those two pieces of research. Meeting with dd's math teacher and would love to have that in my back pocket.


Last edited by herenow; 09/15/11 08:11 AM.