Well, don't get too excited..... I just got a ridiculous email from the teacher. She didn't address a single issue I raised with the principal, and said if I was patient I would see all the wonderful things my son will learn this year!, yada yada yada.

She specifically wrote in her email that more books would be available to DS at the END OF THE MONTH! She basically wrote down in an email that she was witholding material that could benefit my child, AND she copied the principal!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE.

Our family has been spoiled rotten apparently by the incredible teaching staff we encountered in preschool, K and 1st grade. I've never seen anything like this.

herenow, I got most of my data from Deborah Ruf's 5 Levels of Giftedness. When you look up "underachievement" in the index, there are about 15 references. Many are boy and girl specific. Good luck!