Hi SiaSl,
Clearly your son is very bright - especially in the non verbal realm. Was he given any speech and language testing to look at language processing? I wonder how potential snags in that area (if any) might affect his verbal reasoning.

I'd start by taking a look at this website to get an idea of your son's strengths: http://www.gifteddevelopment.com/Visual_Spatial_Learner/vsl.htm

It looks like he has some relative weaknesses in auditory memory (WMI of WISC) as well as Visual Memory. Again, I would want more information in this realm.

It's hard to say if there is any potential LD - you say his achievement tests in the average range - but average is very broad from the 25 to 75 percentile. Given his cognition, I'd be suspect of anything in the lower range. And again, I would want more info about memory. If he has difficulty with planning, staying on task, getting started - I'd also want some data on executive functioning. You say that K and 1st grade were disastrous - how so?

And Colon's mum asks the number one question!! How is school going and are they helping him?