Originally Posted by WannaBeGTEduc
I also hadn't thought of asking the psychologist to talk directly with the school, but they do know each other well since this is "the" gifted psych. to use and her daughter is also in the 'amazing all-day, every-day gifted program' that DD11 is in. So I assume that me telling the school that this psych. did the evaluation would carry a lot of weight.
great news taht the psych and the school know each other - try and get 'out of the way' and let them deal with each other directly - soon!

Good luck! I was more thinking about your DD designing the Amigurumi than creating them herself, but if she shows an interest, why not? seriously, any crochet project will be good for her visual discrimination, as it requires one to find those little loops and stick the hook in the right place.

A little easier might be to 'just happen' to loose a button off your shirt and recruit DD to find a match among your collection. (Or something similar) Does your family play 'I spy with my little eye?' if so it doesn't just have to be color, you could add texture, size, temperature or anything.

I think it's probably true that the more senses we engage, the more part of the brain are working the more connections, the more fun, the easier it is to overcome those pesky bottlenecks.

Best Wishes,

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