Thank you both so much for your insightful input! (and sorry I didn't get back sooner - I left my info on this page here at work, and I'm only here twice a week...).

My daughter is in 2nd grade and almost 8 years old. She has been a highly verbal child since 18 months old, and is not generally a shy kid. So perhaps she'll find her individual test "fun!"

I'm new to the GT world, as I always considered her bright, but didn't know much about GT or advocating for it...

My daughter is interested in doing so many things, and gets very upset when she hears about things other kids are doing that she can't be involved in (science fair is only for 4th grade and up in our public school, Romeo & Juliet being performed in a local co-op home school her cousin goes to...). She gets upset to the point of being grumpy & moody, and I never even considered that this could be a sign of GT frustrations?

In any case, my only concern now is that this identification process takes so LONG - (in our school district they screen w/ OLSAT in January of 2nd grade, and then the individual screenings [OLSAT 90th percentile & above - doesn't this seem too inclusive? My DD was 99th percentile] get scheduled from April through till beginning of next school year...)

So, I plan to learn more about GT while we wait, and do some at-home science w/ DD! (Mummifying flowers?!) Romeo & Juliet will have to wait...

All best,

OliEli's Mom